Monday, June 15, 2009


Drowzee is a Psychic and Hypnosis Pokemon. Its most powerful moves are Confuse Ray, a ghost move, and Tackle, a normal move. Drowzee is 3 feet 3 inches tall and weighs 71.4 lb. This is another bipedal Pokemon!!!!! Drowzee resembles a tapir. It has short arms and its eyes look tired. Drowzee has only three fingers!!! His body colors, yellow and brown, are separated by a squiggly line. Drowzee evolves into a Hypno.


Gastly is a Ghost, Poison, and Gas Pokemon. Try saying that three times fast!!!! Its most powerful move is Smog, a poison move. I don't want to get in with that move!!!! Gastly is 4 feet 3 inches and weighs about 0.2 lb!!! That is one light Pokemon!!!! It is basically a black ball (with eyes and a mouth) surrounded by purple gas!! A simple Pokemon can be this powerful???? Wow! I'm impressed! Gastly can evolve into a Haunter and a Wengar.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Abra is a Psychic and Psi Pokemon. Its most powerful move is Teleport. It can leave a battle and go to an other spot! Abra can be 2 feet 11 inches and weighs 43 lb. This bipedal Pokemon, meaning it has 2 legs, ressembles a fox. It is one of the best Pokemon I've ever come across!!! His ears are like a fox's, and his eyes seem shut all the time. Abra looks like its wearing armor, based on the brown on his chest. Abra can evolve into a Kadabra and an Alakazam. What do these names remind you of????????????

Monday, June 1, 2009


Squirtle is a Water and Tiny Turtle Pokemon, with the possible moves of Aqua Trail, Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Dive, Double Edge, DynamicPunch, Endure, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Iron Defense, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Zen Headbutt. Squirtle is 1 foot 8 inches. It weighs 91.8 lb. This Pokemon is supposed to resemble a turtle. Well all I have to say is I ♥ Squirtle!!! Squirtle can evolve into a Wartortle and a Blastoise. 


Charmander is a Fire and Lizard Pokemon. Its possible moves are Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, DynamicPunch, Endure, Fire Punch, Fury Cutter, Heat Wave, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Rock Slide, Seismic Toss, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Swift, Swords Dance, and ThunderPunch. Charmander is 2 feet tall and weighs 18.7 lb. This salamander-based Pokemon is related to the Dragon Pokemon, Magmar. I don't thin I want to mess with Charmander. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon and Charizard.  


Chimchar is a Fire and Chimp Pokemon. Its possible moves are Endeavor, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Snore, Swift, ThunderPunch, Uproar, and Vacuum Wave. Chimchar can be 1 foot 8 inches and weighs as much as 13.7 lb. You may think this monkey-like Pokemon is cute, but Chimchar is very agile. It is based on chimpanzees. Chimchar can evolve into a Monferno and an Infernape.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Slowpoke is a Water, Psychic, and Dopey Pokemon. Its possible moves are Aqua Tail, Body Slam, Dive, Double-Edge, Dream Eater, Endure, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Nightmare, Psych Up, Signal Beam, Sleep Walk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Swift, Thunder Wave, Trick, and Zen Headbutt. Slowpoke can be as tall as 3 feet 11 inches and can Spweigh 79.4 lb. This large pink creature may seem heavy, but Slowpoke gets lighter towards the end of the tip of its tail. Slowpoke can evolve into a Slowbro or a Slowking.


Lickitung is a Normal and Licking Pokemon. Its possible moves are Aqua Trail, Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Dream Eater, Dynamic Punch, Endure, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, NIghtmare, Psych Up, Rock Slide, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Swords Dance, ThunderPunch,  and Zen Headbutt. LIckitung is 3 feet 11 inches and weighs 144.4 lb. This silly Pokemon may seem harmless, but Lickitung has a powerful tail. A Lickitung can evolve into a Lickilicky. 


Pachirisu is a Electric and EleSquirrel Pokemon. Its possible moves are Gunk Shot, Helping Hand, Last Resort, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seed Bomb, Snore, Swift, ThunderPunch, and Uproar. Pachirisu is 1 foot 4 inches and weighs 8.6 lb. You may think this squirrel-like Pokemon is cute, but Pachirisu is very powerful. Unfortunately, Pachirisu does not evolve. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Riolu is a Fighting Pokemon and a Emanation Pokemon. Its possible moves are Furry Cutter, Helping Hand, Ice Punch, Iron Defense, Magnet Rise, Mud-Slap, Snore, Swift, ThunderPunch, Vacuum Wave, and Zen Headbutt. Riolu is 2 feet 4 inches and weighs 44.5 lb. This dog-like POkemon may seem cute, but he can be a handful, since he is a fighting type Pokemon. Riolu can evolve into a Lucario. 

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Pichu is an Electric Pokemon and a Tiny Mouse Pokemon. His possible moves are Body Slam, Counter, Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Endure, Helping Hand, Magnet Rise, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Rollout, Seismic Toss, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Swift, Uproar, and Thunder Wave. Pichu is 1 foot tall and weighs 4.4 lb. This adorable Pokemon may seem cute (And we mean REALLY cute!!!!), but Pichu is very violent for its size. It can evolve into a Pikachu and a Raichu.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Bellossom is a Grass type Pokemon and a Flower Pokemon, who can learn the moves Mega Drain, Sweet Scent, Stun Spore, Sunny Day, Magical Leaf, and Leaf Storm. She can be at least 1 foot 4 inches and weighs 12.8 lb. You can most likely to find this Pokemon is in the Johto region. Bellossom likes the sun more then the rain because when it is a sunny day she will dance out in the sun!!! The first 2 stages of Bellossom are Oddish and Gloom.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Torchic is a Fire type Pokemon and a chick Pokemon. Its possible moves are Scratch, Grow,Focus Energy, Ember, Peck, Sand-Attack, Fire Spin, Quick Attack, Slash, Mirror Move, and Flamethrower. It is 1 feet 4 inches tall. Torchic weighs 5.5 lb. Also if you are trying to find a Torchic, look for it at the Hoenn region. You may think this Pokemon is cute and harmless ,but hear throws fire balls that are 1,800 degrees Farenheit! Torchic can evolve into a Combusken and a Blaziken. 


Banette is a Ghost type Pokemon and a Marionette Pokemon. Its possible moves it can learn is Knock Off, Screech, Night Shade, Curse, Spite, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Faint Attack, Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Embargo, Snatch, Grudge, and Trick. It is 3 feet 7 inches tall and weights 27.6 lb. You can most likely find them in the Hoenn region. Do you know how Banette became a Pokemon? Well, first of all, Banette's owner abandoned him so then it went off to the wild!!! Also the fist stage of Banette is a Shuppet.


Azurill is a Normal Pokemon and a Polka Dot Pokemon. The possible moves of this cutie are Slash, Charm, Tail Whip, Bubble, Slam, and Water Gun. Azurill can be 8 inches and 4.4 lb. It is found in Hoenn and Sinnoh region. Do you think Azurill's tail is fat? Well, it is. But, it has many nutrients. He loves to bounce with that fat, springy tail. Auzurill can evolve into a Marill and then an Azumarill.


This LEGENDARY Pokemon called Articuno is an Ice-Flying Pokemon and Freeze Pokemon. Its possible moves are Gust, Powder Snow, Mist, Ice Shard, Mind Reader, AncientPower, Agility, IceBeam, Reflect, Roost, Tailwind, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, and Hail. Its height is 5 feet 7 inches and weighs 122.1 lb. You can find Arcuno in the Kanto region. If you like blizzards, this is the Pokemon for you!!!!! Sadly, it doesn't evolve.


Altaria is a Dragon-Flying Pokemon, or a Humming Pokemon. The possible moves for this fluffy creature are Pluck, Peck, Growl(Roar!), Astonish, Sing, Fury Attack, Safeguard, Mist, Take Down, Natural Gift, Dragon Breath, Dragon Dance, Refresh, Dragon Pulse, Perish Song, and Sky attack. Altaria can be 3 feet 7 inches and weighs 45.4 lb. You can find it in the Hoenn region. Being a soprano singer, Altaria looks like a fluffy cloud with a head like a goose. It is the last evolvtion of Swablu.(Does it remind you of Malibu?)


Aipom is a normal Pokemon, but it is called a Long Tail Pokemon! It's possible moves are Scratch, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack, Astonish, Baton Pass, Tickle, Fury Swipes, Swift, Screetch, Agility, Double Hit, Fling, Nasty Pot, and Last Resort. Aipom can be as tall as 2 feet 7 inches and weighs 25.4 lb. You can find it the Johto and Sinnoh region. You would think Pokemon use their hands, but not Aipom! He uses his tail because it is more effective of his hands. Aipom can evolve into Ambipom! So get your Pokeballs and try to catch this cute, monkey-like Pokemon!!


Absol is a dark Pokemon with possible moves of Scratch, Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Razor, Wind, Pursuit, Swords Dance, Bite, Double Team, Slash, Future Sight, Sucker Punch, Detect, Night Slash, Me First, Psycho Cut, and Perish Song. They could be as tall as 3 feet 11 inches and weigh 130.6 lb. Absols are found most often in Hoenn region. You might not want to mess with him. This disaster Pokemon can lead to trouble! Sadly, it doesn't evolve.